Reno's Best Training Facility

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How do skiers find position (mobility)?

It is important to understand that our body can either work with itself or against itself. When there are movement restrictions, the antagonist, or opposing muscles are forced to work harder to compensate. This ends up creating alignment issues, strength imbalances, and poor neural programing. You cannot correctly strengthen a body, especially the weak stabilizer muscles, if there are mobility restrictions. Common mobility challenges in skiers exist at the ankle, Hip flexor/quad/knee complex, glute/IT complex, and thoracic, or upper spine. At PerformancEDU, we follow a basic protocol. First we mobilize the myofascial system, and then restore the length to the tight tissue. In simple terms, we release muscle adhesions and stretch the tissues. Improved ankle mobility will prevent injury to the foot and achilles tendon, as well as putting less stress on the knees, hips, and back. Improved mobility of the Hip flexor/quad/knee complex will help prevent injuries to the knees and back. Improved mobility of the glute/IT complex will help prevent injury to the knees, and back. Improved Thoracic Spine mobility will help prevent injuries from the shoulder, spine, hip, knee and ankle. Having restored mobility and length to tight tissues allows us to efficiently strengthen and balance the muscular system. It also allows us to ingrain proper neural patterns to help with, not only strength, but also proper technique on and off the hill.

Marc Digesti | Founder | CEO