Ask Your Coach A Question- FMS Continued...

Is FMS worth it for the average woman looking to get in shape (our readers tend to be affluent women around age 40 and older) or is it more for athletes and possibly people recovering from an injury?

  1. Great Question!  We tend to have a lot of our female clients 40-60-year-olds be our “screening models” as we call them (saying this with a smile on my face).  This is the reason why the FMS is such an amazing tool, it is utilized for every demographic and it tells us coaches so much and gives us so much feedback.  For instance, what does the FMS tell us during a screen?

    1. if there are any asymmetries during any of the movements performed

    2. if there is any pain throughout the movement

    3. if there is any breakdown or loss of balance during the movement

Marc Digesti | CEO

Performance EDU Fitness Foam Rolling Section


Ask Your Coach A Question- Personalizing Intensity Within A Program


Ask Your Coach A Question- FMS Screen