What Is Altitude Training?

Altitude training, also known as hypoxic training, is a method of conditioning the body to perform better at high altitudes by simulating high altitude conditions. The basic principle of altitude training is that by training in low-oxygen environments, the body adapts to become more efficient in using oxygen, which can improve performance when competing at higher altitudes.

There are several methods of altitude training, including sleeping in a high-altitude environment, living at high altitudes for an extended period of time, and using specialized equipment that simulates the effects of high altitude. Some athletes also use altitude tents, which simulate high-altitude conditions by lowering the oxygen level in a small, enclosed space.

Altitude training can provide numerous benefits, such as increasing red blood cell production and improving the body's ability to use oxygen, which can help athletes perform better at high altitudes. However, altitude training can also have some risks, such as dehydration and overtraining, and it should always be done under the guidance of a qualified coach or trainer.

Marc H. Digesti | Founder of Performance EDU


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