Low back pain is a very common source of discomfort. Learn how to assess back pain to identify the cause of dysfunction.
A mobility flow to work through the shoulders and spine. Controlled loaded mobility develops strength that maintains mobility longer. Work yourself through t...
Tactical frog with internal rotation can help you actively mobilize hips joints into open chain internal rotation. Here is an instructional video on how to d...
Learn more about how to assess the knee for pain and movement.
Mobility flow focused on the legs. working into the tight junk that we avoid. stay in each position for 2-3 seconds and move through this for 5 to 10 minutes...
Child's Pose Rocking can help you actively stretch the posterior line tissue. Here is an instructional video on how to do the child's pose rocking. 1. Kneel ...
The transition from the base of the skull & top of the neck is an area that can develop chronic tension & is prone to being a trigger for headaches. (Think W...
Working some loaded mobility focused on the hips. Modifications can be made, but this a great place to start. spend about 2-3 seconds in each position and co...
Standing Quad Stretch can help you stretch anterior thigh tissue and improve mobility. Here is an instructional video on how to do Standing Quad Stretch. 1. ...
Learn more about how to assess the leg for pain and movement dysfunction.
Tactical frog rocking external rotation can help you actively mobilize hips joints while in a medial thigh stretch position to improve freedom in the squat p...
Half hip flexor stretch can help you stretch anterior thigh tissue. Here is an instructional video on how to do the half hip flexor stretch (hip translation ...
Learn how to assess the shoulder for pain and movement dysfunction.
Wall Hamstring Stretch can help you stretch your posterior thigh tissue. Here is an instructional video on how to do the stretch. 1. Lying down with your bac...
Bretzel stretch can help you stretch anterior thigh tissue with gravity assisted rotation. Here is an instructional video on how to do the Bretzel Stretch. 1...
⁉️Ever wonder WHY your _____ are so damn tight, no matter how much you roll & stretch they always seem to just tighten up again? Assuming that flexibility an...
Every have lower back tightness? Try these two movements to open up your hips, adductors and lower back. Check us out for more info: www.performancedu.com ww...
2 TRX Lower Body Movements: Linear and lateral Plane
Our friends at Kime showing us the Pigeon stretch, elevated.
Lets talk about the Turkish Get up progression. Education hour at Performance EDU.
There are many ways to stretch the calf. Here is an effective active release technique. Pay attention to the position of the foot relative to the shin and kn...
This is a global hip opener. This can hit glute, adductor, and IT band line. The band distraction adds tension that helps centralize the femur in the hip cap...
Lateral line push is applicable in daily life, but often under conditioned. Here we train our lateral push position, and incorporate full internal and extern...
The lat is big and long and ties into the glutes and all sorts of goodies. This stretch help you find all the sticky corners and improve their movement. A ha...
Stretching the pec and chest fascia can improve shoulder and posture health, but this drill also helps you become aware of a good scapular position. Shoulder...
The single leg knee slide incorporates core and hip stability with an anti-rotational component. The sliding leg gives some hip flexion, but the key is maint...
Here are 3 of our favorite core movements with the TRX suspension trainer. Listed with full regressions and progressions. HAVE fun. Check us out at www.perfo...
Get the most out of your release work. Like any tool, myofasical release balls are great... here's an easy hack to make it work even better for you! . ❤️Tag ...
Our friends at Kime showing us the wall active straight leg raise (ASLR).
Weak Adductors play a huge role in hip and core instability. To really integrate Adductors in stability, we can use this side plank variation. Same side plan...
Ankle restriction is a big component to dysfunctional movement. Active release is very effective in improving ankle movement. The distraction band helps to s...
Another of our Animal Flow patterns that we have begun to implement is the Beast Reach. This works mobility and stability. starting in a controlled horizonta...
Glute and hip dominant stretch with active core
Weak Adductors play a huge role in hip and core instability. To really integrate Adductors in stability, we can use this side plank variation. Same side plan...
The glutes are one of the most important muscles for both stability and power. The Glute Max is primarily an external rotator and hip extensor. The banded hi...
Anyone struggling with Tight Hips? Try the quad hip flexor stretch at home and or the "couch stretch." See inside the video for progressions to the movement....
Stretches not working for you? Constantly tight and can't seem to loosen up for more than an hour or two? That could be a sign that whatever is overly tight ...
TRX Home Workout: Upper Body -TRX Lat Pullover -TRX Standing Pulls -TRX Single Arm Rotational Row Would you like remote coaching? Check us out at www.perform...
During our Education hour, we are looking at how rotation integrates with dysfunction.
Our friends at Kime showing us the tactival frog groin stretch.
Multi dimensional stability is crucial to healthy movement. Crawling is a great way to retrain healthy shoulders, posture, core and hip stability. Keep the s...
Multiple muscles combine to create hip flexion. Don't blame the Psoas for everything. But treating hip flexion is important! This is a great release tool for...
The shoulder requires stability at all angles. Typically with our forward lifestyle, we lose stability in the posterior muscles. There are tons of basic stab...
Because of the importance of the lat, it tends to be overly facilitated. This soft tissue work can improve movement and help calm the tissues down. You get a...
Mini Band Walks are a lateral line stability drill. The Glute Med is a major player in holding the pelvis level during movement. It is also often inhibited. ...
Stability is having the strength to hold good positions. The squat is a monster functional pattern. Here, we get to train the stability of the squat by simpl...