What is the importance of an Evaluation at Performance EDU?

Performance EDU’s Evaluation

If you have a specific goal in mind, are rehabilitating an injury, or just want closer personalized attention, Performance EDU’s evaluation is a great way to begin the journey. This will allow you to maximize your training experience with individualized coaching and programming, with a program tailored to your specific goals and needs.

All personal training clients will receive a Evaluation to discuss health history and a full-body movement screen to best assess their needs. Our coaches have experience working with a wide range of clientele ranging from fat loss to injury rehabilitation to sports performance. No matter the goal, our coaches will build a program that is tailored to fit the client’s needs while also providing coaching and support to help attain those goals.

Our goal as coaches is to get you to meet your goals. We look forward to finding out how we can help you start your journey!  Sign up today and schedule your Evaluation!

Why Do We Evaluate Our Clients and Athletes?

Assessment and Foundation: We assess how each of our clients moves and designs a program to build a strong foundation. If your movement is sound and your core is strong, you can progress without limit. 


Personal Training and Sports Performance Training


Online Coaching at Performance EDU